Events and Activities in Bletchley
& Fenny Stratford
Find fun, free events in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford below, as well as volunteering opportunities and community engagement activities.
You can also find local events here:
Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council Events Page
West Bletchley Council Events Page
Bletchley Park Events Page (admission / ticket fees apply)

Bletchley ‘Talk Town Deal’ Regeneration Project Drop Ins
Bletchley venues on rotation
Public drop in sessions on the last 2 Mondays of the month 2-4pm for Bletchley and Fenny Stratford residents to discuss and learn more about the Town Deal investment in Bletchley. The sessions are hosted by a member of the Town Deal Project Team from MKCC.
Rotating venue, please check MKCC run Town Deal website: https://groundbreakingbletchleyandfenny.co.uk/events/2024/nov/talk-town-deal-drop-in-sessions

Police Community Forum
Newton Leys Pavillion, Bletchley, Furzey Way MK3 5SP
Thames Valley Police run a regular community forum meeting for residents in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford (dates and locations are different for West Bletchley residents) and welcome residents from these areas to attend and share their experiences with the police in the local area.
The next meetings will be Thursday 10th July and Thursday 9th October at different venues (details to follow).
The group are also looking for residents to get involved by taking minutes, being Vice Chair or Secretary. Please contact the Town Council or TVP for further information.

Bletchley 2050 Vision Engagement Event
Bletchley Library, Westfield Rd, Bletchley, MK2 2RA
Help shape the future of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford.
MKCC is preparing a new future-focused vision for our town called the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford 2050 Vision that will guide future plans and investment.
MKCC are keen to ensure the guide reflects the aspirations of people who live, work, and invest in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford so they are running an online questionnaire and a public workshop. This drop in event on Tuesday 25 February is an opportunity to find out more and share your views at Bletchley Library on Tuesday 25th February, so feel free to drop in 2-7:30pm.
MKCC have recently hosted workshops with local students, community groups and politicians. All ideas and feedback will help create a community-driven vision that captures the diverse needs of all local people.
Can’t make the event? Share your views in this online questionnaire before 10th March.

Bletchley Regeneration Information Event
West Bletchley Council offices, 221 Whaddon Way, Bletchley, MK3 7DZ
There will be lots of changes happening in Bletchley in the next 1-3 years, with over £20m of Town Deal Government funding to regenerate our town.
You can find more information on the Town Deal website and MKCC are also offering residents a chance to find out more at in-person drop in events as well.
The session will be an informal drop in event with Sam Lennon, MKCC Community Engagement Officer for Bletchley & Fenny Stratford, where residents can ask their questions or provide their views.
Sam will be at the West Bletchley Parish Council offices, Whaddon Way, on Monday, 24 February 2-4pm.

Bletchley Vision 2050 Survey
Online Questionnaire
MKCC is preparing a new future-focused vision for our town called the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford 2050 Vision that will guide future plans and investment.
MKCC are keen to ensure the guide reflects the aspirations of people who live, work, and invest in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford, so they are running an online questionnaire and a public workshop.
Share your views in this online questionnaire before 10th March and help shape the future of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford.
Find out more about the drop in event on Tuesday 25 February at Bletchley Library on Tuesday 25th February 2-7:30pm on the ‘What’s on’ events pages.

Friendly Parking Protest
Queensway, Bletchley High Street
This will be a community-led friendly ‘sit-in’ style protest to raise awareness of this serious issue in Bletchley and get the message across to residents and visitors that parking on the paths in Queensway is not permitted and that it causes a risk to pedestrian safety.
Full details on Facebook Event.

MK City Plan Public Engagement Event
Newton Leys Pavillion, Furzey Way MK3 5SP
Public engagement event for the Milton Keynes City Council’s City Plan. All residents are invited to attend to find out more and share their views.

Fenny Stratford Canal Festival
Grand Union Canal towpath between bridges 96 (Watling Street) and 97, Fenny Stratford
Featuring a floating market, craft stalls and more. Will be open from 11am - 5pm on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August.
For more information please see the Fenny Stratford Canal Festival Information on Facebook

Neighbourhood Plan Public Consultation Events Series
Various Locations and Dates Available & online survey
Come and share your thoughts on the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan at this series of public consultation events:
Monday 22nd January, 5-8pm - Fenny Stratford Community Centre, MK2 2NR
Wednesday 24th January, 11:30am - 1:30pm - Bletchley Library, MK2 2RA
Saturday 27th January, 1-4pm - Newton Leys Pavilion, MK3 5SP
Tuesday 30th January, 12:30-2pm - Water Eaton Church Centre, MK2 3RR
Wednesday 31st January, 10am - 12pm - Coffee morning and Spotlight Community Centre, MK2 3QR
Friday 2nd February, 11am - 1pm - Bandstand on Queensway
The Neighbourhood Plan will directly influence how land is used and developed in the area as well as protect and maintain green spaces in our community.
For full dates and details, please see the link above or submit your responses via the online form here.

Bletchley Parking Study - Resident Engagement Events
Multiple Dates and Locations Across Bletchley - See below for details
Milton Keynes City Council will be organising a parking study in Bletchley to map future needs. As part of this project they will run four resident engagement events across Bletchley 6-12 December at different locations. Full details below.
Go along to one of the sessions and share your views on current issues and how things could be improved.
Details and locations:
Session 1: Wednesday 6th December – 17:30-19:30 – Bletchley Library
Session 2: Saturday 9th December – 11am-1pm – Fenny Stratford Community Centre
Session 3: Monday 11th December – 9:30-11:30am – Bletchley Library
Session 4: Tuesday 12th December – 17:30-19:30 - Institute of Technology

Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council Resident Survey
Have your say - Online Survey
Residents in the Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council area are invited to share their views with the Council for the 2023 resident survey.
Share your views on public services and engagement:

Brunel Centre Presentation from MKCC on Development Brief
Have your say - Brunel Centre Development Brief
Newton Leys Pavilion, Bletchley, Furzey Way MK3 5SP
Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council are holding an extra-ordinary council meeting on Tuesday 21 November at Newton Leys Pavilion from 7:30pm. This will focus on the Brunel Centre Development Brief consultation, which closes to the public on Thursday 23 November. This event will also be live streamed for residents wishing to attend remotely, details and a link to follow from the Council.
Representatives from Milton Keynes City Council will attend to talk about the Development Brief for the Brunel Centre and area acquired by Milton Keynes Development Partnership in Bletchley town centre as part of the £23.7m Town Deal Fund project.
Format of the meeting:
Presentation from Milton Keynes City Council / Milton Keynes Development Partnership to Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Councillors who will then agree on their response to the Brunel Development Brief.
Public speaking session at the meeting and it will be possible to for residents to make representations to or ask questions of the town council
Can’t attend in person? This meeting will also be webcast live and uploaded for viewing afterwards through the Town Council’s online channels. The meeting link is only given to people who are registered to speak at the event. To register to speak, please email clerk@bletchleyfennystratford-tc.gov.uk up to 12 noon on 20 November. Due to time constraints, speaker slots will be limited.
Further information on the wider Town Deal Fund and related development projects across Bletchley can be found here.

Leon Resident Association AGM
The Postal Club, Brooklands Road, Bletchley MK2 2RU
Local residents from the Leon and Central Bletchley area are warmly invited to the Resident Association AGM on Tuesday 15 October from 6pm at The Postal Club (The Postie). Light refreshments will be provided.
The AGM will review activities from the last year, share community updates, vote in the committee and vote on issues to focus on for the year ahead.

Thames Valley Police Community Forum
The Postal Club, Bletchley, MK2 2RU
On Thursday 19 October TVP will be hosting their regular resident forum at 7pm at the Postal Club on Brooklands Road in central Bletchley.
Please feel free to go along and share any concerns or feedback you may have regarding policing and safety in Bletchley.

Brunel Centre - Public Consultation
Have your say - Public Consultation on future of Bletchley town centre
Milton Keynes City Council (MKCC) has prepared a Draft Development Brief for the Brunel Centre and former Sainsbury’s and Wilko stores and Stanier Square. The consultation period has now been extended.
The new deadline for comments and feedback is 5pm on Sunday 31 December 2023 (details below).
You can meet the Urban Design Team to learn more about the brief and future plans for Bletchley on 18th December at Duncombe Street, full details here.
Alternatively, Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council hosted an extra-ordinary Council meeting open to the public on 21 November with presentation on the Development Brief from MKCC. Watch the presentation here.
Details of the consultation and a copy of the 48 page draft brief in full can be found at: Current Urban Design consultations | Milton Keynes City Council (milton-keynes.gov.uk)
Send your feedback to: urban.design@milton-keynes.gov.uk or in writing to the Urban Design Team, Milton Keynes City Council, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ.
MKCC and their independent property arm, Milton Keynes Development Partnership (MKDP), purchased the site earlier this year to form part of the Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Deal project. The Draft Development Brief document sets out design principles for the site's redevelopment and potential uses that would help regenerate the town centre.

Bletchley Food and Craft Market
Stanier Square, Queensway, Bletchley town centre
Come along to Stanier Square, Queensway 10am-4pm on Saturday 23rd September 2023 for the latest Bletchley Food and Craft Market run by Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Council. Featuring music, craft stalls and a range of tasty treats.
Enjoy our covered seating area too where you can come and enjoy your street food lunch and desserts – no matter the weather!

Bletchley Big Street Eat
Stanier Square, Queensway, Bletchley town centre
Join us in Stanier Square, Queensway 12pm-6pm on Saturday 29th July 2023 for our latest Bletchley Big Street Eat. Featuring live music, performances, craft stalls and even a parade featuring a dragon.
Enjoy our covered seating area too where you can come and enjoy your street food lunch and desserts – no matter the weather!

East West Rail Public Information Event
Fenny Stratford Community Centre, 13 George Street, Bletchley, MK2 2NR
This Bletchley East West Rail public information event is an opportunity for local residents to find out more about future development plans for Bletchley and Fenny Stratford stations. Residents are invited to attend to learn more and share any questions they might have.
The event will be hosted at Fenny Stratford Community Centre on Wednesday 26 July 2pm-8pm.
Please find the link to the Bletchley / Milton Keynes South Local Representatives Groups web page here where you can view meeting minutes, slides, agendas and action trackers from the Group’s previous meetings.

Bletchley Train Station Ticket Office Closure Consultation
Online consultation - have your say by 26th July
Ticket Office Closure Consultation
The Marston Vale Rail Delivery Group have launched a national consultation over the proposed closure of Ticket Offices including at Bletchley train station.
Please share your views and share the link with other local residents: https://www.marstonvalecommunityrail.org.uk/consultation-on-proposed-closure-of-ticket-offices/
Find out more on the Marston Vale website: https://www.marstonvalecommunityrail.org.uk/consultation-on-proposed-closure-of-ticket-offices/

Bletchley East West Rail Resident Engagement Opportunity
Summerlin Centre, 138 Station Road, Woburn Sands, MK17 8SG
Public Drop-in on Friday, 30 June 2pm – 8pm. Your opportunity to meet EWR to find out more about their latest proposals. Further details are available on the EWR Community Hub.
Alongside the Route Update Report, a range of factsheets and updated maps, EWR have published several other related documents, including:
The 2021 Consultation Feedback Report
The EWR Economic and Technical Report
Route Update Report relevant sections for Bletchley as follows:
Section 1 – Summary
Section 7 – Route Preferences Bletchley to Bedford (Marston Vale Line). This section includes Bletchley Station & Fenny Stratford
The full list of engagement event dates is as follows:
13 June - Bedford Heights
20 June - Ravensden Village Hall
22 June - Eversden Village Hall
26 June - Harston Village Hall
30 June - Summerlin Centre, Woburn Sands
04 July - Lidlington Village Hall
07 July - Tempsford Stuart Memorial Village Hall
11 July - Cambridge Belfry Hotel
12 July - John Paul ll Centre
20 July - Love's Farm, St Neot's

South Central Institute of Technology Open Event
South Central IoT, Sherwood Dr, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6DR
Find out more: