Residents’ Associations
Find your local Residents’ Association below, their activities, contact details, when and where they meet, and maybe even get involved!
Bletchley Park Area
Residents Association (BPARA)
Areas we cover:
Archers Wells - Church Green Road - Colossus Way - Corrigan Close - Craigmore Avenue - Downing Close - Elmers Park - Enigma Place - Faulkner Drive - Girton Way - Highfield Close - Home Close - Park Gardens - Rickley Lane - Roche Gardens - Selwyn Grove - Sherwood Drive - South Lawne - The Elms - The Grove - The Old Rectory - Tiltman Lane - Travis Grove - Ultra Avenue - Welchman Court - Whalley Drive - Wilton Avenue
Residents from across all areas in West Bletchley are welcome to join BPARA
Fenny Stratford
Residents’ Association
Areas we cover:
Austins Court – Aylesbury Street - Baisley Gardens - Bowling Green Lane - Bristow Close - Browne Willis Close - Church Street - Denmark Street - Durrans Court/House - Eden Court - George Street – Hawthorn Avenue - Kings Court – Laburnum Grove - Lockview Lane - Lords Close - Manor Road - Maple Grove - Millward Drive - Napier Street/Court - North Street/Gate - Oakwood Drive - Paddock Way - Penn Road - Pinewood Drive - Princes Way - Queensway (Princes Way-Victoria Rd) - Rhondda Close - Rowlands Close - Saracens Wharf - Simpson Road - Staplehall Road - St Margaret’s - Stuart Close - Sycamore Avenue - Tavistock Street - The Beeches - The Crescent - The Laurels - The Limes - The Sidings - Trinity Court - Vicarage Road - Victoria Road - Viscount Way - Walnut Drive - Watling Street - Western Road
Leon and Central Bletchley
Residents Association
Areas we cover:
Albert Street - Ashfield Grove - Bagshot Court - Bedford Street - Birchfield Grove - Brooklands Road - Cambridge Street - Clifford Avenue - Duncombe Street - Eaton Avenue - Knowles Green - Leon Avenue - Lennox Road - Lords Close - Oliver Road - Osborne Street - Oxford Street - Sandringham Place - Sunset Close - Viscount Way - Water Eaton Road (north side west of brook) - Westfield Road - Windsor Street
Water Eaton
Residents Association (WERA)
Areas we cover:
Apple Heath - Appleby Heath - Baccara Grove - Bettina Grove - Celina Close - Chestnut Crescent - Cornelia Close - Doreen Close - Frensham Drive - Harkness Close - Hazel Grove - Hunter Drive - Magenta Close - Mossmans Close - Saffron St - Water Eaton Rd - Willow Way
Areas we cover:
Allen Close - Arrow Place - Bala Close - Brora Close - Burnmoor Close - Buttermere Close - Carron Court - Coniston Way - Corin Close - Crummock Place - Cullen Place - Dere Place - Diddington Close - Doon Way - Dunvegan Close - Empingham Close - Ennerdale Close - Fern Grove - Gairloch Avenue - Garrowmore Grove - Garry Close - Gorman Place - Grasmere Way - Gwynant Court - Katrine Place - Kinloch Place - Laggan Court - Laidon Close - Langdale Close - Leven Close - Maree Close - Melfort Close - Menteith Close - Meriland Court - Ness Way - Nevis Grove - Rannoch Close - Rimsdale Court - Ruthven Close - Rydal Way - Santen Grove - Serpentine Court -Sheelin Grove - Skene Close - Strangford Drive - Tarbert Close - Thirlmere Avenue - Torridon Court - Tulla Court - Tummel Way - Watten Court - Windermere Drive
Lakes Estate ‘Locals of the Lakes’
Residents Association
Mill Residents Association
Areas covered:
Drayton Road – Holsey Lane - Larch Grove - Mill Road - Phelps Road -
- Popes Walk - Rays Close - Southland Drive - Stoke Road
The Wharf