Bletchley Park Area Residents’ Association (BPARA)
About our Residents’ Association
BPARA is a voluntary organisation run by residents of the streets surrounding Bletchley Park, representing local residents. We work with local organisations and individuals such as West Bletchley and Milton Keynes Councils, our local MP and Thames Valley Police to ensure our members voices are heard on local issues such as planning, traffic and crime.
Since starting in 1990, BPARA has been active in supporting a range of issues affecting local residents, including:
Supporting the formation of the Museum in Bletchley Park, and the preservation of buildings of historic importance.
Consulting with Milton Keynes and West Bletchley Councillors and Officers, and our Local MP on matters such as: traffic issues, road safety, preservation of the landscape, street signs, and landfill sites.
Representing members at public meetings and Council committees, raising issues of concern including proposed developments such as Salden Chase and Eaton Leys.
Actively involved with creation of the West Bletchley Council Neighbourhood Plan, which has been used to influence local development and construction projects.
Distributing quarterly newsletters and other information about local issues, as well as holding an Annual General Meeting and other meetings on urgent matters.
BPARA has been interviewed by the press and on radio and television to represent the views of the membership on local matters.
We positively encourage membership of BPARA, which is open to everyone in the community. Membership currently costs just £3 per year per household, find out more about membership on the BPARA website.
Meetings are held on specific topics of interest for residents throughout the year and will be publicised to members via email and our website. We hold an Annual Meeting in early summer.
Everyone is welcome to attend meetings but must follow the code of conduct, as set by the Chair at the beginning of each meeting.