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Service Charge Consultation

Online Consultation

There is a MKCC Rent and Service Charge consultation currently live. It was posted out to Tenants, Leaseholders and Shared Owners asking them to vote online, or to leave comments and ask questions, the consultation ends 12th December.

One element of the consultation is the introduction of the of a new service charge for Council tenants as well. There is one vote per household.

  • The 8 elements of the service charges, 2 apply to just Council Tenants, Parks & open spaces & Environmental charges

1. Link to observations and questions

2. Tenants that have received the consultation booklet, in order to make your online vote, there is a reference number on the front cover of the booklet, you cannot access to vote, without quoting the individual number. 

2. The actual voting online form

3. See previous meetings of the panel who set up the consultation

25 November

Christmas Bazaar

1 December

West Bletchley Christmas Lights switch on